Fort Bend County DWI Lawyer
Seek the Experienced Sugar Land DWI Defense You Need
After you have been charged with DWI, it is essential that you contact our Sugar Land DWI attorney as soon as possible. You only have 15 days after the notification to challenge a suspension of a driver’s license.
Often, individuals accused of DWI believe there is nothing they can do to fight their charges. However, this is not always the case, and at The Sims Law Firm, PLLC, our Sugar Land DWI lawyer is devoted to fighting relentlessly to protect the rights and futures of the criminally accused.
Contact us at (713) 766-1445 for your free consultation with our Fort Bend County DWI attorney!
Maintain Your Driving Privileges
You can be charged with DWI if you are pulled over for driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08% or higher. In Texas, the law states that if you are driving a vehicle, you have automatically given consent to submit to a chemical test to determine your blood alcohol concentration. Therefore, if you provide a specimen that registers 0.08 or higher OR you refuse to provide a specimen you will be subjected to an automatic driver's license suspension or revocation.
If you have been arrested for DWI, contact our law firm, and we will attempt to prevent your license from being suspended and/or assist you in obtaining an occupational driver's license that allows you to travel to work, school, or tend to household duties while your case is pending.
Is a DWI a Felony or Misdemeanor in Texas?
A DWI is a felony if it is your third DWI offense and can still be a felony for your first or second offense under certain conditions. When someone gets injured in an accident with you and it is found that you were driving while intoxicated, no matter if it is your first DWI or second, you will face felony charges of the third degree called intoxication assault. If you've been arrested for drunk driving, contact our Sugar Land DWI lawyer today!
What Are the Penalties for a DWI?
Unfortunately, mandatory jail time is associated with various DWI convictions. In addition to facing a potential jail or prison sentence (for a DWI with child passenger or Felony DWI), you could be facing other forms of punishment relating to your DWI Arrest.
Such penalties may include:
- Fines ranging from anywhere between $2,000 - $10,000 depending upon whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony DWI
- Enrollment in mandatory alcohol education programs
- Suspension of your driver's license
- Increased insurance rates
- A criminal conviction
- DPS Surcharges
- Mandatory Interlock installation in your vehicle
DWI is often referred to as an "opinion crime" due to the fact that a determination must be made by a judge or a jury as to whether an individual has lost the "normal use" of their mental or physical faculties due to the introduction of alcohol or drugs into one's system. There may be legal grounds to challenge the basis of the police officer pulling you over that ultimately led to your DWI arrest or the validity of the blood or alcohol specimen that was collected from your person.
Can You Get a DWI Dismissed in Texas?
In Texas, DWIs are rarely dismissed. Cases in which a DWI can be dismissed include a police officer who might not have had a proper justification to stop you. In legal terms, this is known as reasonable suspicion. In other cases, a case could be dismissed if the officer did not have enough evidence to arrest you (also known as probable cause). An arrest can lack probable cause if the police officer did not administer any Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) or administers them incorrectly. Even if the the stop was valid, a case can also be dismissed if it is weak, and the District Attorney’s office does not feel it can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Schedule Your Free Case Evaluation with Our Sugar Land DWI Attorney
If you retain our firm's services, we will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to obtain the best possible outcome in your case whether it be a dismissal, reduced charge, or "not guilty" verdict from a judge or jury. Our Fort Bend County DWI lawyer has over 15 years of experience and will not hesitate to challenge the evidence brought forth by the police, the prosecution, or contest the methods that were used by the arresting officer during his DWI investigation.
To find out more from our Sugar Land DWI attorney, contact our firm today at (713) 766-1445.

A Proven Track Record
Charges Rejected Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon
Dismissed via pretrial diversion Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon
Dismissed Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon
Dismissed Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon
No Billed by Grand Jury Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon
Reduced to Reckless Driving Aggravated Assault w/ Deadly Weapon

What Sets The Sims Law Firm, PLLC Apart?
Attorney Brandon Sims Will Handle Your Case From Start to Finish
Over 15 Years of Exclusively Practicing Criminal Law
Experienced Former Prosecutor
Handled Over a Thousand Cases
Aggressive, Strategic Defense with Proven Results